Journal publications
- Kamrani, M., Wali, B., & Khattak, A. J. Can Data Generated by Connected Vehicles Enhance Safety? Proactive Approach to Intersection Safety Management. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2017 (Accepted). STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Li, X., Khattak, A. J., & Wali, B. Large-Scale Traffic Incident Duration Analysis: The Role of Multi-agency Response and On-Scene Times. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2017) (Accepted). STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Wali, B., Khattak, A. J., Liu, J. Heterogeneity Assessment of Incidents Durations: Estimation of Random Parameter and Quantile Regressions. (Invited for Publication in International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 2017). STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Wali. B., Khattak, A.J., Waters, J., Chimba, D., Li, X. (forthcoming) (2018). Development of Safety Performance Functions for Tennessee: Unobserved Heterogeneity & Functional Form Analysis. Accepted for publication in Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Liu, J., Khattak, A.J., Wali, B. Do Safety Performance Functions Vary Across Space? Applying Geographically Weighted Regressions to Account for Spatial Heterogeneity. Accident Analysis and Prevention (2017). DOI: STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Liu J., & A. Khattak, Gate-Violation Behavior at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings and the Consequences: Using Geo-Spatial Modeling Integrated with Path Analysis, Forthcoming in Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2017. STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Boakye K., A. Khattak, & S. Nambisan, Correlates of Front-Seat Passengers’ Non-Use of Seatbelts at Night, 18-00405, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Wali B., A. Khattak, & T. Karnowski, How Driving Volatility in Time to Collision Relates to Crash Severity in a Naturalistic Driving Environment? 18-00060, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Wali B., A. Khattak, & X. Li, Exploring Non-Linear Dependencies in Correlates of Roadway Crashes: Application of Generalized Additive and Piecewise Linear Count Data Models, 18-00064, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Wali B., A. Khattak, & M. Zhang, Injury Severity Analysis of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Trespassing Crashes at Non-Crossings: Application of Predictive Text Analytics, 18-00209, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Boakye K., A. Khattak, B. Wali, S. Nambisan, Are Education and Enforcement Strategies Effective in Increasing Night-Time Seat Belt Use? Evidence from a Large-Scale Before-After Observational Study, 18-06451, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Robinson RM, A. Collins, C. Jordan, P Foytik, & A. Khattak, Modeling the Impact of traffic incidents during Hurricane Evacuations using a large scale microsimulation, Forthcoming, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2017
- Li, X., A.J. Khattak, and B. Wali, Large-Scale Traffic Incident Duration Analysis: The Role of Multi-Agency Response and On-Scene Times. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2017 (TRR 2616) p. 39–48. STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Wali, B. and A. Khattak, Analysis of Volatility in Driving Regimes Extracted from Basic Safety Messages Transmitted Between Connected Vehicles. Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies 84, 2017 p. 48-73. STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Liu, J., A. Khattak, and X. Wang, A comparative study of driving performance in metropolitan regions using large-scale vehicle trajectory data: Implications for sustainable cities. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2017. 11(3): p. 170-185. STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Kamrani, M., A.J. Khattak, and B. Wali, Can Data Generated by Connected Vehicles Enhance Safety? Proactive Approach to Intersection Safety Management. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2017 (TRR 2659). STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Kamrani M., R. Arvin, & A. Khattak, What measures of driving volatilities best explain crash frequency at intersections? 18-00089, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Khattak A., B. Wali, & H. Bozdogan, How is Driving Volatility Related to Intersection Safety in a Connected Vehicles Environment? 18-00058, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Wali B., A. Khattak, & T. Karnowski, How Driving Volatility in Time to Collision Relates to Crash Severity in a Naturalistic Driving Environment? 18-00060, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Zhang M. & A. Khattak, Identifying and Analyzing Extreme Lane Change Events Using Basic Safety Messages in a Connected Vehicle Environment, 18-04734, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Hoque A., M. Ahmed, J. Rios-Torres, A. Khattak, & R. Arvin, Impact of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Reliability on Safety Applications: An Experimental Study, 18-05532, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Kamrani M., A. Khattak, & T. Li, A Framework to Process and Analyze Driver, Vehicle and Road Infrastructure Volatilities in Real-time, 18-00979, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Ahmed M., A. Hoque, & A. Khattak, Intersection Approach Advisory Through V2X Technology Using Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) Information at Fixed-Time Signalized Intersection, 18-05804, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Arvin R., M. Kamrani, & A. Khattak, & J. Rios-Torres, Safety Impacts of Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic, 18-00088, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Ahmed M., M. Hoque, J. Rios-Torres, & A. Khattak, A Cooperative Freeway Merge Assistance System using Connected Vehicles, 18-05614, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Arvin R., M. Kamrani, & A. Khattak, & J. Rios-Torres, Safety Impacts of Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic, 18-00088, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- McCubbin, J. A., Switzer, F. S., LaDue, M. N., Ogle, J. H., & Bendigeri, V. (2016). Cardiovascular Emotional Appraisal and Risk Behavior: Resting Blood Pressure Predicts Risky Driving in Women. Psychometric Medicine, Vol. 78, No. 3, pp. A150-A150, Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
- McBride, M., Carter, L., and Phillips, B.; Integrating the Theory of Planned Behavior and Behavioral Attitudes to Explore Texting among Adolescent Drivers in the US; submitted; acknowledgement of federal support (yes).
- Sandt*, A., AL-DEEK+, H., and Rogers*, J., “Identifying Wrong-Way Driving Hotspots by Modeling Crash Risk and Assessing Durations of Wrong-Way Driving Events,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, February 2017.
- Rogers*, J., Sandt*, A., AL-DEEK+, H., Alomari*, A., Gordin, E., and Carrick, G. “Modeling the Risk of Wrong-Way Driving on Freeways and Toll Roads,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2554, pp. 166-176, DOI: 10.3141/2554-18, November 2016.
- Wu, J., Radwan, E, & Abou-Senna, H. Use of a Driving Simulator to Evaluate Pedestrian-vehicle Conflicts with Different Potential Risk Factors at Signalized Intersections. 17th COTA conference International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 8 July 2017.
- Wu, J., Radwan, E., & Abou-Senna, H. (2017). Determine if VISSIM and SSAM could estimate pedestrian-vehicle conflicts at signalized intersections. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, (accepted).
- Wang, L., Abdel-Aty, M., Lee, J., & Shi, Q. (2017). Analysis of real-time crash risk for expressway ramps using traffic, geometric, trip generation, and socio-demographic predictors. Accident Analysis & Prevention, accepted; acknowledgement of federal support (yes).
- Amiridis, K., Stamatiadis, N., and Kirk, A. “Safety Based Signalized Intersection Left-Turn Phasing Decisions,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2619, 2016 (accepted)
- Amiririds, K.*, Stamatiadis, N., and Kirk, A. 2017 “Safety-Based Decisions for Left-Turn Phasing,” Proceedings of the Road Safety and Simulation 2017 Conference, Deft, Netherlands, October 2017.
- Stamatiadis, N., Sallee, T. and Kirk, A. 2016 “Left turn guidance based on crossing conflict analysis,” Advances in Transportation Studies, Vol. 2, pp. 17-26.
Books or other non-periodical, one-time publications:
- Chhetri, N.; Impact Assessment of Universal Helmet Law Repeal in South Carolina; 2017; Thesis Presented to the Graduate School of Clemson University. Published and federal support acknowledged.
Technical papers & conference presentations
- Wali, B., Khattak, A. J., Liu, J. Heterogeneity Assessment of Incidents Durations: Estimation of Random Parameter and Quantile Regressions. Presented and Awarded with the “Distinguished Scientific Paper – Americas Award” by the 23rd ITS World Congress, Melbourne, Australia (2016). STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Khattak, A. J., Wali, B. Dynamics of Driving Regimes Extracted from Basic Safety Messages Transmitted Between Connected Vehicles. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA. (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-00234. STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Khattak, A. J., Wali, B. Exploring Non-Linear Dependencies in Correlates of Rural Two-Way Two-Lane Roadway Crashes. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-00239. STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Greene, D. L., Khattak, A. J., & Wali, B. (2017). Planning Tools for Deployment of Alternative Energy Refueling Infrastructure. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA. TRB PAPER # 17-03416.
- Kamrani, M., Wali, B., & Khattak, A. J. Can Data Generated by Connected Vehicles Enhance Safety? Proactive Approach to Intersection Safety Management. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-00238. STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Wali, B., Khattak, A. J., Liu, J. Heterogeneity Assessment of Incidents Durations: Estimation of Random Parameter and Quantile Regressions. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-00236. STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Liu, J., Khattak, A. J., & Wali, B. Do Safety Performance Functions Vary Across Space? Application of Geographically Weighted Regressions. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-00237. STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Xu, J., Khattak, A. J., & Wali, B. Injury Severity Analysis of Passenger Vehicle-Truck Collisions and Contributory Unsafe Pre-Crash Behaviors. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-00241. STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Li, X., Khattak, A. J., & Wali, B. Large-Scale Traffic Incident Duration Analysis: The Role of Multi-agency Response and On-Scene Times. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-01049. STC/Federal support acknowledged.
- Boakye K., A. Khattak, J. Liu. How Do Smartphone and Non-Smartphone Users Access and Use Travel Information? Evidence from 2014 Puget Sound Regional Household Travel Survey. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-00698
- Boakye, K., S. Nambisan, and M. Shelley. The Impacts of Click It-Or-Ticket Campaign and Saturation Patrol Interventions on Nighttime Seat Belt Usage. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-04622
- Boakye, K., S. Nambisan, and M. Shelley. Influence of Passenger Presence on Driver’s Seatbelt Use at Nighttime. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-04622
- Boakye, K., S. Nambisan, and M. Shelley. Nighttime Seatbelt Use of Front-Seat Passengers Based on Their Corresponding Drivers’ Seatbelt Use. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-04802
- Lee, H., and Y. Zhang. Enhancing Relative Positioning Accuracy in V2V Safety Applications Using Multivehicle Kinematics and Nonlinear Filtering. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-03709
- Lee, H., and Y. Zhang. Dijkstra-DBSCAN: A Network Based Clustering Algorithm to Support Incident Hotspots Detection and Management in Connected Managed Lane Networks. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-05918
- Lee, H., Y. Liu, and Y. Zhang. Real-Time Piecewise Regression and Its Application in Effective and Economical GPS Trajectory Data Collection. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-03680
- Lee, H., Lim, H., S. Chin, and H. Hwang. A Gravity Model Using Spatial Correlation of Time Series Data For Freight Distribution Estimation: A Case Study of the County-Level Coal Distribution Estimation in the United States. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-06189
- Lee, H., Lim, H., S. Chin, and H. Hwang. Incorporating Information Complexity into Regression-Based Freight Generation Model Selection. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-06162
- Bae, B., B. Whetsel, and L. Han. A Gray Zone in Isolated Intersection Control Type Selection. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-02609
- Cherry, C., H. Yang, and X. Lu. Application of Geographically Weighted Regression to Predicting Bicycle and Pedestrian Volume at Intersections. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-02391
- Nambisan, S., Z. Ling, N. Franceschetti, C. Cherry, and A. Boggs. Truck Parking Facilities and Ramp Parking: Role of Supply, Demand, and Ramp Characteristics. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-06604
- Weinert, J., J. Macarthur, Z. Ling, and C. Cherry. Differences Between Cycling Experiences and Perceptions Between E-bike and Bicycle Users in the United States. Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA (2017). TRB PAPER # 17-06462
- Khattak, A.J. (Host), Wali, B (Presenter). The Role of Connected & Automated Vehicles: How Can Urban Areas Use the Data They Create? U.S. DOT ITS Professional Capacity Building Program, Talking Technology and Transportation in Education (T3e) Webinars Series, October 11, 2017.
- Khattak, A.J., Wali, B. Analysis of Volatility in Driving Regimes Extracted from Basic Safety Messages Transmitted Between Connected Vehicles. To be presented at the Intelligent Transportation Systems World Congress (October 29 – November 2, 2017), Montreal, Canada.
- Kamrani M., R. Arvin, & A. Khattak, What measures of driving volatilities best explain crash frequency at intersections? 18-00089, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Khattak A., B. Wali, & H. Bozdogan, How is Driving Volatility Related to Intersection Safety in a Connected Vehicles Environment? 18-00058, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Boakye K., A. Khattak, & S. Nambisan, Correlates of Front-Seat Passengers’ Non-Use of Seatbelts at Night, 18-00405, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Wali B., A. Khattak, & T. Karnowski, How Driving Volatility in Time to Collision Relates to Crash Severity in a Naturalistic Driving Environment? 18-00060, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Wali B., A. Khattak, & X. Li, Exploring Non-Linear Dependencies in Correlates of Roadway Crashes: Application of Generalized Additive and Piecewise Linear Count Data Models, 18-00064, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Wali B., A. Khattak, D. Chimba, J. Waters, & X. Li, Development of Safety Performance Functions for Tennessee: Unobserved Heterogeneity & Functional Form Analysis, 18-00065, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Zhang M., A. Khattak, & E. Shay, Analysis of Crashes Involving Pedestrians across the United States: Implications for Connected and Automated Vehicles, 18-04721, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Zhang M. & A. Khattak, Identifying and Analyzing Extreme Lane Change Events Using Basic Safety Messages in a Connected Vehicle Environment, 18-04734, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Hoque A., M. Ahmed, J. Rios-Torres, A. Khattak, & R. Arvin, Impact of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Reliability on Safety Applications: An Experimental Study, 18-05532, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Kamrani M., A. Khattak, & T. Li, A Framework to Process and Analyze Driver, Vehicle and Road infrastructure Volatilities in Real-time, 18-00979, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Wali B., A. Khattak, & M. Zhang, Injury Severity Analysis of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Trespassing Crashes at Non-Crossings: Application of Predictive Text Analytics, 18-00209, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Ahmed M., A. Hoque, & A. Khattak, Intersection Approach Advisory Through V2X Technology Using Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) Information at Fixed-Time Signalized Intersection, 18-05804, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Arvin R., M. Kamrani, & A. Khattak, & J. Rios-Torres, Safety Impacts of Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic, 18-00088, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Ahmed M., M. Hoque, J. Rios-Torres, & A. Khattak, A Cooperative Freeway Merge Assistance System using Connected Vehicles, 18-05614, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Boakye K., A. Khattak, B. Wali, S. Nambisan, Are Education and Enforcement Strategies Effective in Increasing Night-Time Seat Belt Use? Evidence from a Large-Scale Before-After Observational Study, 18-06451, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Weber, J., Azad, M., Riggs, W., and Cherry, C., The Convergence of Smartphone Apps and Competition to Increase Cycling, 18-02631, to be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Hezaveh, A., Azad, M., and Cherry, C., Pedestrian Crashes in Tennessee; A Data Mining Approach, 18-01507, To be presented at Transportation Research Board annual meeting, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2018.
- Boayke, K. Some Impacts of Enforcement and Community-based Outreach & Education Programs on Nighttime Seatbelt Use, Presentation at the 2017 Lifesavers conference held March 26-28 in Charlotte, NC.
- Boggs A., Truck Parking Facilities and Ramp Parking: Role of Supply, Demand, and Ramp Characteristics, Presentation at the 2017 Lifesavers conference held March 26-28 in Charlotte, NC.
- Boggs, A. Shortage of Commercial Vehicle Parking Influence on Interstate Ramp Crashes in Tennessee, Presentation at the TSITE Summer Meeting held July 29-31 in Gatlinburg, TN.
- Wali, B. Exploring Non-Linear Dependencies in Correlates of Rural Two-Way Two-Lane Road Crashes: A Hybrid Statistical-Machine Learning Approach, Presentation at the TSITE Summer Meeting held July 29-31 in Gatlinburg, TN.
- Bae B., Gray Areas in Isolated Intersection Control Type Selection: A Complementary Decision Support Tool, Presentation at the TSITE Summer Meeting held July 29-31 in Gatlinburg, TN.
- Carter, L.; Texting While Driving: The Role of Personality, Protection Motivation and General Deterrence Theory; presented to the School of Information Systems and Technology Management in the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia; September 26, 2017; acknowledgement of federal support (yes).
- McBride, M.; Exploring Adolescent Texting While Driving Behaviors using the Theory of Planned Behavior and Psychosocial Factors; Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference; Los Angeles, California, July 19, 2017; acknowledgement of federal support (yes).
- Sandt*, A., AL-DEEK+, H., and Rogers*, J., “Identifying Wrong-Way Driving Hotspots by Modeling Crash Risk and Assessing Durations of Wrong-Way Driving Events,” published in the Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, Washington D.C., January 8-12, 2017.
- Wu, J., Radwan, E.and Abou-Senna, H. Assessment of pedestrian-vehicle conflicts with different potential risk factors at midblock crossings: A driving simulator study Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting.
- Radwan, E., Darius, B., Wu, J., & Abou-Senna, H. (2016, November). Simulation of pedestrian safety surrogate measures. In ARRB Conference, 27th, 2016, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
- Wu, J., Radwan, E., Abou-Senna, H. Assessment of pedestrian-vehicle conflicts with different potential risk factors at midblock crossings: A driving simulator study Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting.
- Radwan, E., Darius, B., Wu, J., & Abou-Senna, H. (2016, November). Simulation of pedestrian safety surrogate measures. In ARRB Conference, 27th, 2016, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
- Wu, J., Radwan, E., Abou-Senna, H. Analysis of driver’s avoidance behavior at mid-block crossings based on driving simulation experiment. Roadway Safety and Simulation, Netherlands, 2017. (Accepted).
- Lee, J., Abdel-Aty, M., Cai, Q., Wang, L., & Huang, H. (2017). Integrated Modeling Approach for Non-Motorized Mode Trips and Crashes in the Framework of Transportation Safety Planning. Submitted to the 97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.
- E.R. Green, C. Blackden, M.A. Fields. “Spatial Database For Intersections”, 95th Annual TRB, Washington, DC; Transportation Research Board: Washington, DC, 2016. Published in conference proceedings.
- E.R. Green, N. Stamatiadis, R. R. Souleyrette. “Segment Length and Highway Safety Analysis: Does It Matter?”, 96th Annual TRB, Washington, DC; Transportation Research Board: Washington, DC, 2017. Published in conference proceedings.
- E.R. Green, K.R. Agent, E. Lammers. “Development of an Improved Method for Determining Advisory Speeds on Horizontal Curves”, 96th Annual TRB, Washington, DC; Transportation Research Board: Washington, DC, 2017. Published in conference proceedings.
- Kazi, O., A Data Driven Approach to Quantify the Impact of Crashes, 2016, Thesis, University of Kentucky, published.
- Zhang, X. and M. Chen. Quantifying Effects from Weather on Travel Time and Reliability, Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2017.
- Agarwal, N. and A. Kirk. Application of VISSIM Basic Tools to Simulate Emergency Preemption. Road Safety & Simulation International Conference Paper.
- “Safety Based Signalized Intersection Left-Turn Phasing Decisions,” 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 8-12, 2017 (Amiridis, A.).
- Agarwal, N. and A. Kirk. Application of VISSIM Basic Tools to Simulate Emergency Preemption. Road Safety & Simulation International Conference Paper.
- Stamatiadis, N. and Kirk, A. 2016. “Operational Efficiency and Left Turn Phasing,” Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena, Warsaw, Poland, 18-21 April 2016.
Journal publications
- Liu J. & A. Khattak. Delivering improved alerts, warnings, and control assistance using basic safety messages transmitted between connected vehicles, Transportation Research, Part C, Volume 68, pp. 83–100, 2016.
- Khattak A., J. Liu, B. Wali, X. Li, & M. Ng, Modeling traffic incident duration using quantile regression, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2554, Transportation Research Board, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2016. DOI: 10.3141/2554-15.
- Liu J. B. Bartnick, S. Richards, & A. Khattak, Driver behavior at railway-highway grade crossings with passive traffic controls: A driving simulator study, Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, Volume 8, Supplement 1, 2016, pp. 37-55.
- Liu J., A. Khattak, & M. Zhang, What role do pre-crash driver actions play in work zone crashes? Application of hierarchical models to crash data, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2555, National Academies, Washington, D.C., pp. 1–11, 2016.
- Liu J., X, Wang, A. Khattak, J. Hu, J. Cui, J. Ma, How big data serves for freight safety management at highway-rail grade crossings? A spatial approach fused with path analysis, Neurocomputing, DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2015.08.098.
- Liu J., X. Wang, & A. Khattak, Customizing driving cycles to support vehicle purchase and use decisions: Fuel economy estimation for alternative fuel vehicle users, Transportation Research, Part C, Vol. 67, 2016, pp. 280–298.
- Bandeira J., D. Carvalho, A. Khattak, N. Rouphail, P. Fernandes, T. Fontes, S. Pereira, & M. Coelho, Empirical assessment of route choice impact on emissions over different road types, traffic demands, and driving scenarios. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 10:3, 2016, pp. 271-283.
- Wang X., A. Khattak, J. Liu, & D. Clarke, Non-crossing rail-trespassing crashes in the past decade: a spatial approach to analysis of injury severity, Safety Science, Volume 82, February 2016, Pages 44–55.
- Liu, J., A. Khattak, S. Richards, & S. Nambisan, What are the differences in driver injury outcomes at highway-rail grade crossings? Untangling the role of pre-crash behaviors, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 85, December 2015, pp. 157–169.
- Wang X., A. Khattak, J. Liu, G. Amoli, & S. Son, What is the level of volatility in instantaneous driving decisions? Transportation Research Part C, Volume 58, Part B, September 2015, pp. 413-427.
- Liu J., A. Khattak, X. Wang, The role of alternative fuel vehicles: Using behavioral and sensor data to model hierarchies in travel, Transportation Research Part C, 55, 2015, pp. 379-392.
- Khatri, R., C. Cherry, S. Nambisan, L. Han (2016) Modeling route choice of bikeshare users with GPS data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2587. 10.3141/2587-17.
- Ling, Z. C. Cherry, Y. Ni, K. Li (2015) Pedestrian Level of Service at Signalized Intersections in China. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2519 pg 75-81. Doi: 10.3141/2519-09
- Fishman, E., C. Cherry (2015) E-bikes in the mainstream: Reviewing a decade of research. Transport Reviews doi: 10.1080/01441647.2015.1069907
- Langford, B.C., Chen, J. C. Cherry (2015) Risky riding: naturalistic methods comparing safety behavior from conventional bicycle riders and electric bike riders. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 82, 220-226.
- McBride, M., Carter, L., and Phillips, B. Integrating the Theory of Planned Behavior and Psychosocial Factors to Explore Texting among Adolescent Drivers in the US. Under review by the Journal of the Association for Information Systems.
- Shi, Q., & Abdel-Aty, M., 2016. Evaluation of the Impact of Travel Time Reliability on Urban Expressway Traffic Safety. Accepted by Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Accepted.
- Modeling the Risk of Wrong-Way Driving on Freeways and Toll Roads. Authors: John H. Rogers P.E., Haitham Al-Deek, Ph.D., P.E., Ahmad Alomari, Nizam Uliin, Ph.D., Eric Gordin, and Grady Carrick, Ph.D., accepted for publication in the Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, February 2016.
- A paper titled Pedestrian-vehicle conflict analysis at signalized intersections using micro-simulation has been submitted to the Accident Analysis and Prevention Journal, April, 2016.
- Paper published in Transportation Research Part C (Vol 55, pp486-495)
- RSS2015 Special Issue Article, Left Turn Guidance Based on Crossing Conflict Analysis
- Paper published in Advances in Transportation Studies (Vol. 2 pp 17-26; 2016)
- 2015-16 Books or other non-periodical, one-time publications
- During this 2015-16, STC produced three books or other one-time publications based on our research:
- Ranjit Khatri, University of Tennessee, Master of Science, Modeling Route Choice of Utilitarian Bikeshare Users from GPS Data.
- Hunter McCracken, University of Tennessee, Master of Science, The Economic Implications of Evolving Aviation Funding Policy in Tennessee
- Luis Taboada, University of Tennessee, Master of Science, Non-residential Pedestrian Access to Transit Systems: A GIS Modeling Application.
Technical papers & conference presentations
- The Role of Connected and Automated Vehicles: How can urban areas use the data they create? Seminar presentation at National Center for Transportation Systems Productivity and Management, Civil Engineering Department, Georgia Institute of Technology, March 2016, Asad Khattak.
- What Role Do Pre-Crash Driver Actions Play in Work Zone Crashes? Application of Hierarchical Models to Crash Data – 16-1587 by Jun Liu, Asad Khattak, Meng Zhang.
- Migrating Toward Using Electric Vehicle on Campus-Proposed Method for Fleet Optimization – 16-1703, Taekwan Yoon, Christopher Cherry, Megan Ryerson, John Bell.
- Modeling Traffic Incident Duration Using Quantile Regression – 16-4235, Asad Khattak, Jun Liu, Behram Wali, Xiaobing Li, ManWo Ng.
- A Spatial-Temporal Approach for High Resolution Traffic Flow Imputation – 16-1404, JJ Yang, Lee Han, Shih-Miao Chin, Ho-Ling Hwang.
- Modeling Route Choice of Bikeshare Users with GPS Data – 16-6150, Ranjit Khatri, Christopher Cherry, Shashi Nambisan, Lee Han.
- An Overview and Preliminary Assessment of a Summer Transportation Experiential Learning Program for Ninth Graders – 16-3597, Shashi Nambisan, Kwaku Boakye, Ebony Lemons
- Impacts of HOV Violations: Simulation-Based Study in Tennessee – 16-0398, JJ Yang, Lee Han, Stephanie Hargrove.
- Empirical Study of the Evaluation of Travel Speed Data Accuracy – 16-6786, Stephanie Hargrove, Hyeonsup Lim, Philip Freeze, Lee Han.
- Structuring and Integrating Data in Metropolitan Regions to Explore Multilevel Links Between Driving Volatility and Correlates – 16-0194, Jun Liu, Asad Khattak, Meng Zhang.
- Enhancement to Self-Learning License Plate Matching Algorithm: Derived Association Matrixes – 16-1587, Stephanie Hargrove, Hyeonsup Lim, Lee Han.
- The Impact of Narrow Lane on Safety of the Arterial Roads – 16-6703, Hyeonsup Lim, Lee Han, Asad Khattak.
- Exploring Multiple Eco-routing Guidance Strategies in a Commuting Corridor – 16-0033, Jorge Bandeira, Paulo Fernandes, Tania Fontes, Sergio Pereira, Asad Khattak, Margarida Coelho.
- Modifiable Temporal Unit Problem in Crash- Frequency Modeling – 16-6533, Bumjoon Bae, Changju Lee, Tae- Young Pak, Asad Khattak.
- Effects of Car-Truck Mix on Occurrences of Truck- Related Crashes – 16-1287, Chunjiao Dong, Mark Burton, Shashi Nambisan, Jian Sun.
- How On-Road Fuel Economy Varies with Vehicle Cumulative Mileage and Daily Use – 16-1586, David Greene, Jun Liu, Asad Khattak.
- A comparative study of passenger satisfaction with Bus Rapid Transit with and without awareness of travel information – 16-2895, Dan Wan, Camille Kamga, Jun Liu, Aaron Sugiura, Eric Beaton.
- Delivering Improved Alerts, Warnings, and Control Assistance Using Basic Safety Messages Transmitted Between Connected Vehicles – 16-0195. Jun Liu, Asad Khattak.
- Is There Evidence for a Gap Between On-road and Test-Cycle Fuel Economy? – 16-1579, David Greene, Asad Khattak, Jun Liu, Xin Wang, Janet Hopson, Richard Goeltz.
- Srinivasan, R. & Lan, B. (2016). Estimation of Crash Modification Functions for Using Site Level Information from Results of Empirical Bayes Before-After Evaluations, Draft Final Report, Submitted to Southeastern Transportation Center, January 2016.
- Smith, S. (2015). Synthesis of countermeasure service life and crash severity costs user guide. Washington, D.C.: Federal Highway Administration.
- McBride, M., and Carter, L. (in press). Teen texting while driving: Factors influencing this epidemic behavior. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2016 International Annual Meeting.
- Carter, L., and McBride, M. (2016). Texting while driving among teens: Exploring user perceptions to identify policy recommendations. Digital Government Society (dg.o 2016) Conference Proceedings.
- McBride, M. and Carter, L. (2016). Distracted driving: How individual differences influence youth texting while driving behavior. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 2016 Annual Meeting Compendium.
- Exploring Protection Motivation Theory in the Public Sector: Should Government Agencies Develop Personalized Highway Safety Campaigns? 2015 Pre-ICIS Workshop on Public Sector Information Systems: Service, Governance, and Citizen Engagement Challenges, Fort Worth, Texas, Dec 13-16, 2015.
- Distracted driving: How individual differences influence youth texting while driving behavior. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 2016 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Jan 10-14, 2016.
- Psychosocial factors related to distracted driving among teens: New and emerging trends. 2016 University Transportation Center (UTC) Conference for the Southeast Region, Knoxville, Tennessee, Mar 31-Apr 1, 2016.
- Texting while driving among teens: Exploring user perceptions to identify policy recommendations. Digital Government Society (dg.o 2016) Conference, Jun 8-10, 2016, Shanghai, China.
- Linuly, J.K., Transportation Institute for Underrepresented High School Students, presented at the 2016 UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region, Knoxville, TN, March 31, 2016.
- Wu, J., Abou-Senna, H., Radwan, E., & Darius, B. (2015). Micro-simulation Application to Pedestrian Safety at Mid-Block Crossing. 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, Oct 6-8, 2015.
- Wu, J., Radwan, E. & Abou-Senna, H. (2016). Pedestrian-vehicle Conflict Analysis at Signalized Intersections Using Micro-simulation. 2016 UTC conference for the Southeastern Region, Mar 31 – April 1, 2016.
- Wu, J., Radwan, E. & Abou-Senna, H. (2016). Pedestrian-vehicle Conflict Analysis at Signalized Intersections Using Micro-simulation. Road Safety on Five Continents scheduled, May 17 – 19, 2016.
Other publications, conference papers, and presentations
- Hummer, J., Cunningham, C., Srinivasan, R., Warchol, S., Claros, B., Edara, P., & Sun, C. (2016, January). Safety evaluation of seven of the earliest diverging diamond interchanges Installed in the US. Presented to the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
- Srinivasan, R., Carter, D., & Lan, B. (2016, January). Interaction between horizontal and vertical alignment on rural two lane roads. Presented to the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
- Srinivasan, R., Carter, D., & Lan, B. (2016, March). Use of data from the SHRP2 naturalistic driving study to investigate driver performance in different horizontal and vertical curve combinations. Presented to the 2016 UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region, Knoxville, TN.
- Srinivasan, R., Colety, M., Bahar, G., Crowther, B., & Farmen, M. (2016, January). Estimation of calibration functions for predicting crashes on rural two lane roads in Arizona. Presented to the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Srinivasan, R. & Lan, B. (2016, March). Development of Crash Modification Functions using data from empirical Bayes before-after studies. Presented to the 2016 UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region, Knoxville, TN.
- Modeling the Risk of Wrong-Way Driving on Freeways and Toll Roads. Authors: John H. Rogers P.E., Haitham Al-Deek, Ph.D., P.E., Ahmad Alomari, Nizam Uliin, Ph.D., Eric Gordin, and Grady Carrick, Ph.D., presented at the Transportation Research Board, January 2016.
- Wrong Way Driving Multifactor Risk-Based Analysis for Florida Limited Access and Toll Facilities. Authors: John H. Rogers P.E., Adrian Sanli , Haitham Al-Deek, Ph.D., P.E., Ahmad Alomari, Nizam Uliin, Ph.D., Eric Gordin, P.E., Cristina Dos Santos, and Grady Carrick, Ph.D., presented at the Transportation Research Board, January 2015. This won the best paper award in freeway operations for the 2015.
- Modeling Driver Responses to Wrong-Way Driving Countermeasures through a Driver Survey and Countermeasure Implementation in Florida. Authors: Adrian Sanli, Haitham Al-Deek, Ph.D., P.E., John Rogers, P.E., Presented at the Transportation Research Board in January 2016.
- Transport Research Arena Conference (Warsaw, 4/18-21/16)
- Evaluation and Implementation of Highway Safety Manual Methodologies Using Benefit-Cost Analyses
- Development of a Methodology to Improve the Identification of Median Crossover Crashes
Journal publications
- Zhang H., M. Cetin, and A. Khattak, Queuing delays associated with secondary incidents, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19:2, 2015.
- Liu, J., A. Khattak, S. Richards & S. Nambisan. What are the Differences in Driver Injury Outcomes at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings? Untangling the Role of Pre-Crash Behaviors, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2015, 85, 157-169. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2015.09.004
- Wang X., J. Liu, A. Khattak & D. Clarke. Non-crossing Rail-Trespassing Crashes in the Past Decade: A Spatial Approach to Analysis of Injury Severity. Safety Science, 2016, 82, 44-55. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2015.08.017
- Liu, J., B. Bartnik, S. Richards, & A. Khattak. Driver Behavior at Railway-Highway Grade Crossings with Passive Traffic Controls: A Driving Simulator Study, Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 2015. DOI: 10.1080/19439962.2015.1043478
- Ling Z. C. Cherry. H. Yang, L. Jones, From e-bike to car: A study on factors influencing motorization of e-bike users across China. Forthcoming in Transportation Research Part D, 2015.
- Chunjiao Dong, Shashi S. Nambisan, Stephen H. Richards, Zhuanglin Ma. Assessment of the effects of highway geometric design features on the frequency of truck involved crashes using bivariate regression, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol 75, May 2015, pp 30-41. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2015.03.007
- Foss, R.D., & Williams, A.F. (2015) Adolescent drivers: Fine-tuning our understanding. Journal of Adolescent Health 57(1),S1-S5.
- McDonald, C.C., Goodwin, A.H., Pradhan, A.K., Romoser, M.R.E., & Williams, A.F. (2015). A review of hazard anticipation training programs for young drivers. Journal of Adolescent Health, 57, S15-S23.
- Sandt, L., Marshall, S., & Ennett, S. (2015). Developmental framework and process evaluation of a community-based pedestrian and bicycle safety program. Transportation Research Record, in press.
- McBride, M. and Carter, C. “Distracted driving: How individual differences influence youth texting while driving behavior.” Under review for the Transportation Reserch Board 2016 Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers.
- Cost-Effective Safety Treatment of Trees on Low-Volume Rural Roads. Karla A. Lechtenberg · Cody S. Stolle · Ronald K. Faller · Kevin D. Schrum. Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board 05/2015; 2472:194-202. DOI:10.3141/2472-22
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Crash Cushion Systems. Kevin D. Schrum · Francisco D. B. De Albuquerque · Dean L. Sicking · Karla A. Lechtenberg · Ronald K. Faller · John D. Reid. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 01/2015; 7(1). DOI:10.1080/19439962.2013.846448
- Godfrey, Jodi, “Risk-Taking Characteristics as Explanatory Variables in Variation of Fatality Rates in the Southeastern United States,” ITE journal Volume 85. No. 9, pp 42 -47, September 2015.
Technical papers & conference presentations
- Khattak A. Improved Warning and Control Assistance Information Embedded in Basic Safety Messages Transmitted between Connected Vehicles, Plenary Session Invited Talk, 15th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, CICTP, Beijing, China, July 2015.
- Khattak A. Role of the MPOs in the Deployment of Connected Vehicles, Invited Talk, Tennessee Metropolitan Planning Organization Conference, Kingsport, TN, 2015.
- Shashi Nambisan, Jennifer Richards, and Wenshu Li. Transportation System Based Summer Academy for Teachers, 122nd Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, Seattle, WA. June 14-17, 2015.
- Shashi Nambisan, HazMat Shipment Tracking: e-HM Initiative, OHMS Research and Development Forum, US Department of Transportation, Washington, DC, April 16, 2015. (Invited).
- Nambisan, Some Reflections on Developing Broad Based Strategies to Enhance Road Safety, Tennessee Society of Professional Engineers, Knoxville, TN. August 26, 2015.
- Nambisan, J. Everett, M. Cate, C. Waxstein, K. Boakye, S. Dillard, and B. Hall, Nighttime Seatbelt Usage Research: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, Tennessee Lifesavers Conference, Murfreesboro, TN. August 19, 2015.
- Nambisan. Transportation Systems Overview, STEM in Motion Workshop for Teachers, Garrett Morgan Clearinghouse Summit – Case Study on Highway Safety, L&N STEM Academy, Knoxville, TN. July 22, 2015.
- Nambisan, J. Everett, M. Cate, K. Boakye, Increasing Nighttime Seatbelt Usage Rates: Baseline Data and Evaluation, Traffic Enforcement Regional Network Meeting, Knoxville, TN. June 8, 2015.
- Nambisan, Increasing Nighttime Seatbelt Usage Rates: An Evaluation of Enforcement, Education, and Outreach Strategies, Tennessee State Institute of Transportation Engineers 2015 Spring Meeting, Kingsport, TN. May 2015.
- Nambisan Increasing Nighttime Seatbelt Usage Rates: Program Overview, Data Needs, and Evaluation Strategies, Traffic Enforcement Joint Network Meeting, Alcoa, TN. April 9, 2015.
- Liu, J. & A. Khattak. Improved Warning and Assistance Information from Connected Vehicle Basic Safety Messages, 2015 Intelligent Transportation Systems World Congress, Bordeaux, France, 2015.
- Liu, J., A. Khattak & S. Richards. What Are the Consequences of Drivers Trespassing Highway-Rail Grade Crossings Equipped with Gates? A Spatial Approach Integrated with Path Analysis, 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, Orlando, FL, 2015.
- Liu, J., A. Khattak & S. Richards. How Safe Are Narrow Lanes? Applications of Safety Models, 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, Orlando, FL, 2015.
- Liu, J., A. Khattak & M. Zhang, Exploring Links between Naturalistic Driving Behaviors and Various Factors in Hierarchies: A Study Integrating Multiple Data Sources, 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, Orlando, FL, 2015.
- Zhang, M., A. Khattak, J. Liu & D. Clarke, The Role of Rail-Trespassing Crashes at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings and Non-crossing Tracks? A Comparative Study on Injury Severity, 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, Orlando, FL, 2015.
- Lu, W., L. Han & C. Liu, Impacts of Geospatial Zoning and Road Network Resolutions on Large-Scale Traffic Simulations, 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, Orlando, FL, 2015.
- Ling, Z., C. Cherry, W. Lawhorn & D. Stone, Study on Dynamic Factors on Single-Bicycle Crash Caused by Railway Tracks, 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, Orlando, FL, 2015.
- Liu, J., A. Khattak, & M. Zhang, What role do pre-crash driver actions play in work zone crashes? Untangling hierarchies in crash data, To be presented at the Transportation Research Board, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2016.
- Lim, H., L. Han, & A. Khattak, The impact of narrow lanes on safety of arterial lanes, To be presented at the Transportation Research Board, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2016.
- Liu, J., & A. Khattak, Delivering improved alerts, warnings, and control assistance using basic 3 safety messages transmitted between connected vehicles, To be presented at the Transportation Research Board, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2016.
- Liu, J., A. Khattak, & M. Zhang, Structuring and integrating data in metropolitan regions to explore multi-level links between driving volatility and correlates, To be presented at the Transportation Research Board, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2016.
- Dong, Chunjiao, M. Burton, S. Nambisan, and J. Sun, Effects of car-truck mix on the occurrences of truck-related crashes, for presentation at the Transportation Research Board, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2016.
- Nambisan, Shashi, Kwaku Boakye, and Ebony Lemons, An Overview and Preliminary Assessment of a Summer Transportation Experiential Learning Program for Ninth Graders, for presentation at the Transportation Research Board, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2016.
- Ranjit Khatri, Chris Cherry, Shashi Nambisan, and Lee Han, Modeling route choice of bikeshare users with GPS data, for presentation at the Transportation Research Board, National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2016.
- “Safety Analysis of Driveway Characteristics along Major Urban Arterial Corridors in South Carolina”
- “Too Close to Home? An Investigation into Crash Proximity Relative to Driver Residences in South Carolina”
- “Safety Planning: Analysis of the Socioeconomic and Demographic Characteristics of At-Risk Driver Residential Areas in South Carolina”
- “Influence of personality on teen texting while driving perceptions.” University Transportation Center Conference, Birmingham, Alabama, March 26-27, 2015.
- “Distracted driving among teens: How can we educate and protect our youth?” Humanitarian Technology Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, May 12-14, 2015.
- “Teenage texting and driving: how dispositional and situational factors impact behavior.” Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 27-30, 2015.
- A paper titled “Studying the Effect of Sidewalk/Bicycle-Lane Gaps on Pedestrian Safety” was presented at the 5th International Symposium on Highway Geometric Design, held in Vancouver, Canada June 22-24, 2015
- A paper titled “Micro-Simulation Application to Pedestrian Safety at Mid Block Crossing” has been submitted and accepted for presentation at the RSS2015 conference scheduled for October 6-8 in Orlando, FL.
- Abdel-Aty, Using Transportation Big Data in Safety Analytics, Florida data Symposium, FDOT, Aug. 2015.
- Stamatiadis, N., Sallee, T., Kirk, A. “Conflict Prediction Models for left-Turn Phasing Decisions,” Proceedings, Road Safety and Simulation 2015 Conference, Orlando, FL.
- “Risk Taking Characteristics as Explanatory Variables in Variations of Fatality Rates in the Southeastern United States” Masters Thesis of Jodi Godfrey, May 2015.
Books & Other One-Time Publications
- Liu, Jun, Driving Volatility in Instantaneous Driving Behaviors: Studies Using Large-Scale Trajectory Data, PhD Dissertation (supervisor: Dr. Khattak), Federal (STC) support acknowledged.
- Hargrove, Stephanie R., Self-Learning License Plate Matching Algorithm – Some Enhancements and its Role in Travel Time Ground Truth Measurement, PhD Dissertation (Supervisor: Dr. Han), Federal (STC) support acknowledged.
- Yang, Jianjiang, Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Short-Term Traffic, PhD Dissertation (Supervisor: Dr. Han), Federal (STC) support acknowledged.
- Lu, W. and L.D. Han (2015) “Impacts of Vehicular Communication Networks on Traffic Dynamics and Fuel Efficiency,” Chapter 7 of ICT for Transport Opportunities and Threats, 161-178, ISBN 978-1-78347-129-4, Edward Elgar Publishing (Forthcoming).
- McBride, M. and Carter, C. “Teenage texting and driving: how dispositional and situational factors impact behavior.” Abstract published in the Applied Human Factors 2015 Proceedings, 2015.
- Rogers, J., A. Sandt, H. Al-Deek, A. Alomari, N. Uddin, E. Gordin, C. Dos Santos, G. Carrick. “Wrong Way Driving Multifactor Risk-Based Analysis for Florida Limited Access and Toll Facilities.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, February 2015. (This won the best paper award in freeway operations for the year 2015, April 2015.)
- Sandt, A., H. Al-Deek, J. Rogers, A. Alomari. “Wrong Way Driving Prevention: Incident Survey and Current Practiced Solutions.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, February 2015.
- Rogers, J., H. Al-Deek, A. Alomari, F. Consoli, A. Sandt. “Wrong-Way Driving on Florida Toll Roads: An Investigation into Multiple Incident Parameters and Targeted Countermeasures for Reductions.” Inderscience Journal for Engineering Management Transport.
Other publications, conference papers, and presentations
- Ling Z., C. R. Cherry, L.M. Wade, and D. Stone, Study on dynamic factors on single-bicycle crash caused by railway tracks. Accepted for presentation at 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, Orlando, FL. 2015.
- Liu J. & A. Khattak. Improved warning and assistance information from connected vehicle basic safety messages, Accepted for presentation at 2015 Intelligent Transportation Systems World Congress, Bordeaux, France, 2015.
- Liu J. & A. Khattak, Using large-scale behavioral and sensor data to explore the link between driving volatility and safety outcomes. Accepted for presentation at 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, Orlando, FL 2015.
- Liu J. & A. Khattak, Using large-scale behavioral and sensor data to explore the link between driving volatility and safety outcomes. Accepted for presentation at 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, Orlando, FL 2015.
- Khattak A., X. Wang & J. Liu, Transportation Data Needs for Making Transportation Decisions, In preparation for presentation.
- Ling, Z., C. Cherry, How to Prevent Railroad Crossings from Becoming a Hazard to Bicyclists. Joint Rail Conference, Columbia, SC. April 12-15, 2016.
- LaJeunesse, S., Pullen-Seufert, N, & Marchetti, L. (2015). Active Routes to School project evaluation baseline results, Prepared for Community and Clinical Connections for Prevention and Health, NC. Division of Public Health.
- Lambert, D., Marchetti, L., & Oliver, C. (2015). Bicycling to school together, a bike train planning guide, Developed as part of the National Center for Safe Route to School and Schwinn’s Helmets on Heads partnership.
- Smith, S. (2015). Synthesis of countermeasure service life and crash severity costs user guide. Washington, D.C.: Federal Highway Administration. Retrieved from
- Gelinne, D., Sundstrom, C., & Langford, K. (2015, June). Step Up! Walk Friendly Communities. Invited presentation to the Mid-America Regional Council, Kansas City, MO.
- Goodwin, A. (2015, May). Risks for newly licensed teen drivers. Presented to the North Carolina Professional Driving Schools Association, Greensboro, NC.
- O’Brien, N. & Kirley, B. (2015, May). Overview of teen driver safety in North Carolina and suggestions for effective programs. Presented to the North Carolina Safe Kids Conference, Concord, NC.
- Pullen-Seufert, N. & LaJeunesse, S. (2015, April). Safe Routes to School workshop, Thomasville, NC.
- Sundstrom, C. & Langford, K. (2015, April). Seattle: Building a Walk Friendly Community. Presented to the American Planning Association National Planning Conference, Seattle, WA.
- Sundstrom, C. & Langford, K. (2015, April). Best practices in separated bike lanes. Presented to the American Planning Association National Planning Conference, Seattle, WA.
- “Transportation safety topic: Distracted driving.” North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Summer High School Transportation Institute, presented June 29, 2015.
- “Texting while driving: The role of personality, protection motivation, and general deterrence theory.” Virginia Commonwealth University Information Systems Department Research Seminar, presented August 28, 2015.